I am Eric van Orsouw. This site is my first hosted website. This site came alive on 2016-08-25 This site was last edited on 2024-06-20 I was never much into html/css and javascript but I did find it very intriguing. So when I started this site I was fell into the technician trap and put all sorts of fancy things in there. Just because I could. And I totally forgot what the site what for. Then I discovered that it looked like crap on mobile devices. Then my friends and family carefully told me that the site looked like the 90's and not 'fresh'. So I stepped back, looked at some well designed responsive sites. I stole some ideas on menus and UI layouts here and there. I looked at various explanation on CSS. And ended up what it is now. There is no hightech stuff in there. So I could easily get everything done with jquery as only external component. I tried to make it responsive for all devices and I think it worked out pretty well. I used the Atom editor to create it. It is a new small and modular editor that promises a lot in the near future.